CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (Release 2)

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CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (Release 2)

Qualification Code : CHC43415
Other Mode: Classroom – Study | Online | RPL | Credit Transfer
Offered By: Our partnered Recognised Training Organisations (RTOs)
Laughter Percussion Academy provides the opportunity to pursue the Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (Release 2). This qualification focuses on designing, implementing, and evaluating health and leisure activities within the aged care sector. It is a valuable pathway for individuals interested in community services and healthcare industries. This certification enables individuals to work under the guidance of specialists in residential facilities, community agencies, and day centers, adhering to organizational rules or as independent professionals. At Laughter Percussion Academy, we are dedicated to assisting you in attaining this qualification and ensuring an excellent learning experience.

How Laughter Percussion Academy Can Assist You?

Laughter Percussion Academy can help you find the ideal institution that meets your requirements. We provide guidance in preparing your application for enrollment, admission, credit transfer, recognition of prior learning (RPL), as well as upskilling and upgrading opportunities.  Schedule an online appointment to further discuss your needs.

Why Choose the CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health?

The CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health program offered by Laughter Percussion Academy focuses on real-world and relevant contexts, equipping students with highly valuable skills and preparing them to meet industry standards. Through this program, you will acquire practical skills that can be immediately applied and develop a diverse mindset. Developed by industry experts and endorsed by sector bodies, the CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health ensures that you possess the necessary knowledge to excel in various organizations within the industry, whether they are small, medium, or large. In today’s competitive job market, experience alone is no longer sufficient. Employers seek evidence of professional competence through formal qualifications, and this certification provides precisely that.
This program offers a combination of theoretical classes and practical work experience that enhances your skills and understanding, specifically in the leisure and health industries. Throughout the program, you’ll gain the expertise to excel in these sectors and contribute to designing programs for clients with diverse and challenging requirements.
To support your assessor in making a decision about your skills, you should provide a range of evidence. The types of evidence you may be asked to provide can include:
  • Letter of Employment or Job Engagement Letter: A document from your employer confirming your employment or engagement in a specific job.
  • Workplace Photograph: A photograph of you at your workplace, serving as visual evidence of your presence and involvement.
  • Workplace Videos: Videos capturing you performing tasks or demonstrating your skills in the workplace.
  • Meeting Minutes: Records of meetings where your contributions, responsibilities, or achievements were discussed or documented.
  • Apprenticeship papers: Documents verifying your participation in an apprenticeship program and detailing the skills and knowledge you gained.
  • Resume: Your updated resume, including your most recent job role and responsibilities.
  • Identification (ID): Proof of identity such as a Medicare card, passport, driving license, or key pass.
  • Reference Letter from employer/manager: A letter written by your employer or manager that highlights your job responsibilities and verifies your skills and performance.
  • Payslips/ABN Certificates (If self-employed): Documents showing your income through payslips or Australian Business Number (ABN) certificates if you work as a self-employed individual.
  • Job Contract: A contract or agreement outlining the terms and conditions of your employment or engagement.
  • Safe work method statements: Documents describing the safe methods and procedures for performing specific tasks in the workplace.
  • Job safety analysis: Analyses of potential hazards and risks associated with specific job tasks, demonstrating your knowledge of workplace safety.
  • Job cards: Records or cards documenting the tasks you have completed, materials used, and time spent on each task.
  • Maintenance reports and service sheets: Reports or sheets indicating your involvement in equipment maintenance or service activities.
  • Quotes/invoices and stock orders: Documents showing your participation in procurement processes or managing inventory.
  • Other supporting evidence: Any additional evidence that showcases your skills, knowledge, and experience relevant to the assessment. This could include certificates, training records, or samples of your work.
  • Remember, the specific evidence required may vary depending on the nature of the assessment or the qualifications you are seeking. It’s important to consult with your assessor or the relevant authority to ensure you provide the appropriate evidence.
It’s important for students to understand the potential career opportunities available to them after successfully completing a qualification. Here are some roles you can consider:
  • Teacher Aide: You can work in schools, preschools, or kindergartens, providing assistance to teachers and supporting students in their learning.
  • Education Support Staff: This role involves providing general support and assistance to educators and students in an educational setting.
  • Education Assistant: Depending on your specialization, you can work as an additional needs assistant, language/literacy support assistant, or cultural support assistant, focusing on specific areas of student development.
  • School Age Care Assistant Educator: This position involves working with school-age children during vacation care, out-of-school hours care (OSHC), or in a kindergarten setting.
  • Inclusion Support Aide: As an inclusion support aide, you would provide assistance to students with special needs, ensuring they have equal access to education and support.
  • SSO or School Support Officer: This role encompasses various administrative and support tasks within a school, such as assisting with office management, student supervision, or resource coordination.
  • By completing this qualification, you open doors to these potential job opportunities in the education sector.

Total number of units = 17

  • 10 core units
  • 7 elective units, consisting of:
  • at least 4 units from the electives listed below
  • up to 3 units from the electives listed below, any endorsed Training Package or accredited course – these units must be relevant to the work outcome

All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.

Core units


Use communication to build relationships


Work with diverse people


Work effectively in the leisure and health industries


Contribute to leisure and health programming


Participate in the planning, implementation and monitoring of individual leisure and health programs


Participate in planning leisure and health programs for clients with complex needs


Incorporate lifespan development and sociological concepts into leisure and health programming


Reflect on and improve own professional practice


Confirm physical health status


Follow safe work practices for direct client care

Elective units


Facilitate the empowerment of older people


Provide support to people living with dementia


Work in an alcohol and other drugs context


Develop strategies to address unmet needs


Provide individualised support


Respond effectively to behaviours of concern


Support independence and wellbeing


Support relationships with carers and families


Visit client residence


Develop and implement community programs


Work within a community development framework


Follow established person-centred behaviour supports


Support community participation and social inclusion


Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability


Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety


Provide home and community support services


Work with people with mental health issues


Establish self-directed recovery relationships


Provide recovery oriented mental health services


Work collaboratively with the care network and other services


Deliver care services using a palliative approach


Support the rights and safety of children and young people


Work with forced migrants


Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness


Recruit, induct and support volunteers


Engage respectfully with young people


Support youth programs


Provide first aid


Process and maintain workplace information


Lead team effectiveness


Plan and conduct recreation programs for older persons


Assist with activities not requiring equipment


Facilitate inclusion for people with a disability


Plan and conduct disability programs

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