CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (Release 1)

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CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (Release 1)

Qualification Code : CHC30121
Other Mode: Classroom – Study | Online | RPL | Credit Transfer
Offered By: Our partnered Recognised Training Organisations (RTOs)
Enhance your career in child care with the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care qualification offered by Laughter Percussion Academy. This program equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge to work as a skilled educator or center director in the field of early childhood education. It prepares you for senior positions in various children’s services, including curriculum planning, program development, and staff supervision. Laughter Percussion Academy, renowned for its excellence, provides assistance in achieving this qualification.

How Laughter Percussion Academy Can Assist You?

Laughter Percussion Academy can help you find the right institution that aligns with your requirements. We offer support in preparing your application for enrollment, admission, credit transfer, recognition of prior learning (RPL), as well as upskilling and upgrading opportunities. Schedule an online appointment to further discuss your needs.

Why Choose the CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care?

The CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care program focuses on real-world and relevant contexts, ensuring that students acquire high-level skills and meet industry standards. By completing this program, you will gain practical skills that can be immediately applied and foster a diverse way of thinking. Developed by industry experts and endorsed by sector bodies, the CHC30121 Certificate III program guarantees that you possess the practical knowledge to excel in small, medium, or large educational organizations within the industry. In today’s competitive job market, experience alone is no longer sufficient. Potential employers seek evidence of professional competence through a current formal qualification.
The CHC30121 course focuses on the fundamental abilities required by youth educators who design and implement approved learning programs in youth care and educational services. The curriculum must align with the requirements of the National Quality Standard and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. The individual may have responsibilities for overseeing staff and volunteers.
To support the decision-making process, you need to provide a range of evidence that demonstrates your abilities. The evidence you may be asked to provide can include:
  • Job contract: A document that outlines the terms and conditions of your employment.
  • Letter of employment/job engagement letter: A letter from your employer confirming your employment status and role.
  • Workplace photograph: A picture taken at your workplace as visual evidence.
  • Workplace videos: Videos showcasing your work environment and tasks performed.
  • Meeting minutes: Documentation of meetings where your contributions and responsibilities were discussed.
  • Daycare plans: Plans detailing the arrangements you have made for childcare.
  • Resume: Your updated resume, highlighting your most recent job role.
  • Identification documents: Proof of identification such as Medicare card, passport, driving license, or key pass.
  • Reference letter from employer/manager: A letter from your employer or manager that includes information about your job responsibilities.
  • Payslips/ABN certificates: If you are self-employed, providing payslips or Australian Business Number (ABN) certificates.
  • OHS/WHS arrangements and strategies: Documentation outlining occupational health and safety/work health and safety measures.
  • Case management notes: Notes documenting your management of specific cases or situations.
  • Nutrition charts and logs: Records demonstrating your knowledge and application of nutrition principles.
  • Risk assessment and management of children: Documentation showing your ability to assess and manage risks related to children.
  • First aid: Certificates or proof of training in first aid.
  • Learning development programs: Documentation of any programs or courses you have completed to enhance your skills and knowledge.
  • Other supporting evidence: Any additional documentation or proof that supports your abilities and qualifications
After finishing this qualification, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue careers such as an Early Childhood Teacher, Child Care Worker, or Child Care Centre Manager.

Total number of units = 17

  • 15 core units
  • 2 elective units, consisting of:
  • 1 unit from the list below
  • 1 unit from the electives listed below, elsewhere in the CHC Community Services Training Package, or any other current Training Package or accredited course.

The selection of electives chosen must be guided by the job outcome sought, local sector requirements and the complexity of skills appropriate to the AQF level of this qualification.

Core Units


Support inclusion and diversity


Support children’s health, safety and wellbeing


Nurture babies and toddlers


Develop positive and respectful relationships with children


Use an approved learning framework to guide practice


Support the holistic learning and development of children


Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning


Support children to connect with the natural environment


Observe children to inform practice


Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultures


Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education and care


Work effectively in children’s education and care


Identify and respond to children and young people at risk


Provide First Aid in an education and care setting


Participate in workplace health and safety

Elective Units


Promote innovation in team environments


Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices


Work with diverse people


Comply with family day care administration requirements


Attend to daily functions in home-based child care


Reflect on and improve own professional practice


Support the holistic development of children in school age care


Follow basic food safety practices

Qualification Mapping Information

Release 1. CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care supersedes and is not equivalent to CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

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