CHC50413 Diploma of Youth Work (Release 5)

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CHC50413 Diploma of Youth Work (Release 5)

Qualification Code : CHC50413
Other Mode: Classroom – Study | Online | RPL | Credit Transfer
Offered By: Our partnered Recognised Training Organisations (RTOs)
The Diploma of Youth Work is a highly regarded certification within the youth services sector throughout Australia. At Laughter Percussion Academy, we are dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential. Laughter Percussion Academy can assist you in obtaining this qualification and provide you with an exceptional learning experience.

How Laughter Percussion Academy can assist you ?

Laughter Percussion Academy can help you find the ideal institution that aligns with your requirements. We offer support in preparing your application for enrollment, admission, credit transfer, recognition of prior learning (RPL), as well as opportunities for upskilling and upgrading.

Why choose to study the CHC50413 Diploma of Youth Work?

The CHC50413 Diploma of Youth Work focuses on practical and relevant skills in a global context. By completing this program, you will acquire the necessary skills that can be immediately applied, while also encouraging diverse thinking. Developed by industry specialists and endorsed by sector bodies, the CHC50413 Diploma of Youth Work ensures that you possess the practical knowledge to thrive in small, medium, or large organizations within the industry. Relying solely on experience is no longer sufficient; prospective employers seek evidence of professional proficiency through a current formal qualification.    
During the Youth Work Diploma, you will learn how to effectively engage with a wide range of young individuals. This course focuses on developing your abilities in case management, as well as planning and organizing programs and activities.  
To assist your assessor in making a decision about your abilities, you should provide a range of evidence. The types of evidence you may be asked to provide can include:
  • Resume (including your most recent job role)
  • Identification documents (e.g., Medicare card, passport, driver’s license, key pass, etc.)
  • Reference letter from your employer/manager (must detail your job responsibilities)
  • Payslips or ABN certificates (if self-employed)
  • Job contract
  • Letter of employment or job engagement letter
  • Photographs of your workplace
  • Videos of your workplace
  • Meeting minutes
  • Conduct reports
  • Strategies and systems you have implemented
  • Support programs for grief
  • Programs promoting medication/alcohol awareness
  • Community development plans
  • Other supporting evidence
As a student, it’s important to be aware of the job opportunities that await you upon successfully completing your qualification. Once you’ve finished this program, you’ll have the chance to work in various roles such as:
  • Program Manager
  • Senior Case Worker
  • Senior Youth Worker
  • Youth Team Leader
  • Case Manager
  • Coordinator of youth and family services
  • Coordinator of youth services

Total number of units = 21

  • 17 core units
  • 4 elective units, of which:
  • at least 1 must be selected from Practice elective units
  • at least 1 must be selected from General elective units
  • up to 2 units may be selected from any endorsed Training Packages or accredited courses relevant to the work outcome.

All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.

Core units


Develop and implement service programs


Develop workplace communication strategies


Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management


Analyse impacts of sociological factors on clients in community work and services


Work with diverse people


Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety


Plan and conduct group activities


Manage legal and ethical compliance


Work with people with mental health issues


Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships


Identify and respond to children and young people at risk


Engage respectfully with young people


Work effectively with young people in youth work context


Support young people to take collective action


Support youth programs


Manage service response to young people in crisis


Participate in work health and safety

Practice electives


Develop and implement procedures to enable young people to address their needs


Provide services for young people appropriate to their needs and circumstances

General electives


Assess co-existing needs


Visit client residence


Support community action


Develop and support community leadership


Work within organisation and government structures to enable community development outcomes


Respond to client needs


Develop, implement and review sexual and reproductive health education programs


Develop and implement policy


Recruit, induct and support volunteers


Work with young people to establish support networks


Undertake youth work in specific communities


Plan and implement a mentoring program


Analyse and present research information


Carry out complex project activities

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